
The automation of systems and processes is a global phenomenon. Businesses, industries, and consumers everywhere are adopting the technological advances of the last three decades to increase efficiency, improve quality, and reduce the costs of producing goods and services. At the same time, we are seeing the convergence of microelectronics, computers, and telecommunications, which has an enormous impact both at work and in the home. This is resulting in the automation of tasks. Businesses, in particular, are turning to automation in order to be more competitive in the new global economy. In response to these changes, there are a range of approaches and technologies that can be considered under the banner of “intelligent automation,” including robotics, expert systems, and various control systems. This paper provides a broad introduction to the field of automation. The best pilz plc in Indonesia

Typically, automation has been achieved using a control loop. This is a feedback system that compares the output of a system with the desired input and makes the necessary adjustments to bring the actual output closer to the original desired input. Examples of control systems used in automation can be a washing machine, temperature controller on an industrial boiler, speed control of an engine or drive. All of these devices use a controller which measures a process value (e.g., temperature) and compares it to the desired process value then takes appropriate action to correct the error. The controller takes an input from a sensor and provides an output to the actuator which is the device that makes the necessary correction e.g., the steam valve on a heating system. This is an example of a simple feedback control loop. There are open loops in automation also, this is when a controller is not used to compare process value to a desired value but a sequence of discrete states for the operation of the system is specified. This is commonly used for simple tasks such as turning a motor on and off. The best pilz plc in Indonesia